Friday, May 31, 2013


Hi there!

I went on an actual adventure this week and it was GREAT. We went to the Great Lakes Aquarium on Tuesday after work! (Dan's tour guide fun fact: When it was built in 2000, it was the largest and only completely freshwater aquarium in the country!) It was pretty cool and we had a fun time. There were a ton of super gross looking fish, some of which were the lake sturgeon which were like 5 feet long and are over 30 years old. In my opinion, fish are NOT supposed to live that long. (My family had a goldfish once that lived to be like 6 and my mom was so pissed.) In addition to goldfish in the invasive species exhibit, we saw sea lamprey which are the scariest and grossest underwater vampires ever. I was most excited to see the playful river otters that the aquarium advertises, however they were NOT BEING PLAYFUL AT ALL. They were in their little den being antisocial. We even checked on them a few times but they never came out for us to see them. There is a little television screen that is supposed to play live video of inside the den, but that wasn't working either so we missed out.

I liek tuhdles
The most giant aquarium
I found Nemo : )    

I'd have to say that my favorite part of the aquarium had nothing to do with fish or water or the exhibits. Because it was a Tuesday afternoon, we had almost the entire place to ourselves, so we kinda took advantage of the kid play area. In the Masters of Disguise exhibit there was a green screen and we had the time of our lives in there.

Master of Disguise

What a weirdo

Afterward we walked touristy downtown and split an appetizer at Famous Dave's - which we have affectionately named Damous Fave's. We duckin' love Damous Fave's.

Hi, I'm a tourist.

The big bummer part of this week is how miserable I've been. I caught a super strong cold and have been fighting it valiantly but unsuccessfully since Sunday. I think all the coughing stressed out my back and my old trapezius injury flared up. I was washing dishes on Wednesday morning after breakfast when my back/shoulder/neck decided to die. It wasn't until after I rushed to the couch, laid down, and realized I could not get up on my own that I remembered Dan was still asleep downstairs. I may or may not have just laid there crying until he came upstairs wondering where I was. I got in to a chiropractor who did some e stim and adjustments yesterday and today. Today I am feeling so much better! My trap still hurts a lot but it isn't keeping me from moving on my own like it did yesterday. This weekend I will kick this cold, rest my back, and be at 100% for Monday! Hooray! Next week is my last week of half days with preschool. Come Friday I will have my 14 school-agers and the fun/work begins : )

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