Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A > B

I got a B in one of my classes. I got As in the rest. Stupid B.

In all reality, I should be celebrating the Stupid B. It was a hard class with an intimidating professor. I barely participated because the prof kinda scared the living daylights out of me. I had to study really hard to understand the topics. I never got the guidelines or expectations for assignments. I earned about a 60% on the midterm exam (but from what I heard, that was better than half the class...) And I worked like crazy to figure out how the ed psych theories would apply to my teaching. So a B is great. ALSO I passed, which means I do not have to take it again.

But still. Stupid B. We got zero feedback on our assignments (with the exception of that midterm exam. That was literally the only thing she graded.) so I don't really know where my B came from. Or why it wasn't an A. (Or a C, I suppose.)

Would you like to know what horrifies me the most about this whole ordeal? Grades do not matter at all. Not as long as I'm learning. And I know that! I am absolutely certain that learning matters, and grades do not. Plus, I feel as if I learned a ton! I just spent a semester cultivating this new understanding revolving around the fact that test taking and the accompanying scores are not the only factors determining a person's potential, abilities, or depth of knowledge. And guess what - After all that, I'm still bummed I got a Stupid B.

I guess I still need some attitude adjustments.

I don't have any pictures for this post, so I googled around for another studious cat.

Anyway, that's my rant. Bye.

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