Thursday, May 16, 2013

Middle School

Today I spent some observation time in the classroom of my favorite teacher from middle school, Mr. Nguyen! I started my morning in his classroom. He teaches seventh grade American history, and his students just took their final exam yesterday. His final exam is pretty cool. He has them take shortened versions of the actual United States citizenship test! They must get over 80% to pass - though they can try as many times as they need to in order to reach 80%. Today was fun because students who didn't pass yesterday were trying again today. When they completed their exams, they would silently approach his desk and he immediately took their papers to check in front of them. If the student reached or surpassed the 80% goal, he would shout the student's name followed by "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE NOW AN AMERICAN CITIZEN!"

The good old days, when everyone was incredibly uncomfortable in their own skin.

On my way out of the building I ran into Mrs. Petersen, a seriously crazy woman who taught me math and reading in 6th grade. She recognized me -though I'm not certain she knew my name- and was so excited to see me! She hugged me and told me I looked so beautiful! Ha! She asked what I was up to and I told her I finished my 2nd year at Winona and am in the education program. She LIT UP and said "you're going to be a teeeeacher?!" I laughed and explained my k-6 major and additional middle level reading minor. She got the hugest smile and squealed, while hopping on her tiptoes, "You're going to get a job!" It was so funny. I told her that I sure hoped so. She is an insane woman, but she teaches so well. I didn't tell her that I sometimes still sing her "over and up, over and up, that's how you plot a coordinate graph" song when I'm in math classes. (that song reminds you that in a coordinate (x,y), x is over and y is up. duh) I don't know how she maintains such incredible energy all day every day for 6th graders : )

In other news, I went shopping with my good friend Cozy yesterday. (Cozy is short for Cosette and I think that's awesome.) We discovered a new goal in our lives, and that is to be the superstar of the month. I don't know how to achieve such a status, but I still want it.

Cozy dreaming big

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