Friday, May 24, 2013

Let the sun shine.

Guess What! My job is pretty great! It's a fairly new center, only opened a little over a year ago, and all the employees up to this point have been friends prior to opening this center which creates a really relaxed environment. They are all super friendly and good at their jobs. I am excited to be a new part of the team! Until the Duluth public schools get out (June 7) I am just an extra helper with the preschoolers and after-school older kids. Once the school agers start, I will be their lead teacher! There will be about 15 which is the size of my largest days last summer. According the the lead preschool teacher, other than some sibling rivalries, the students are all super sweet and pretty go-with-the-flow. Whew! Awesome for me! It is also awesome that they are giving me total freedom. The schedule is flexible and I can make the day whatever I want it to be. It should be fun summer!

My biggest adventure this week was probably making enchiladas two nights ago. I know, I'm a pretty crazy party girl. They were delicious and excellent leftovers last night, too! We used WAY too much cheese, which I thought was a wonderful mistake.

The greatest part of my week thus far was THE SUNSHINE YESTERDAY. It was gloomy, cold, and miserably dreary here since I showed up and then yesterday my entire perspective on life was improved. It's sunny again today and I can't wait to go to work. It makes all the difference when we can take the kiddos outside (even if, as the new girl, I was a sucker and got stuck helping kids cross the monkey bars who were too little to do monkey bars on their own).

Tonight I am going to Renegade Improv to laugh and laugh at Dan's funny jokes, and then in the morning we are coming home so I can go to Henny's 2nd birthday party on Sunday! YAY. She is adorable, as is her entire family. I'll have pictures, just be patient.



  1. Dressing as a cat in allowed. Dan should come too!

  2. Can't wait to see you! Drive carefully!!!

    Love you!!!!!!!!
