Wednesday, May 1, 2013

To Do Lists

If you want to know what I'm doing this week, the answer is everything.

I'm into To Do lists lately. They're my best friends, we go everywhere together. When there are a kazillion things I need to do, I just write them down on this baby legal pad and I feel SO GOOD when I get to check things off. My only motivation is checking those boxes.

I'm gonna print the heck out of those documents tomorrow.

Look at this one. LOOK AT IT. Almost done.

On the bright side, it's the last week of classes. I don't want to talk about the snow tomorrow. I want to talk about the sunburn I got last weekend while playing with these guys...

We fascinated this one.

 I didn't actually play with them. I was actually a little scared. They were all far away and then I started saying, "duckiies, duckieeees!" and this one duck became intrigued. He came way too close to me for my own comfort. And then I asked him nicely to go away and he came closer. Luckily, he eventually left and I continued basking in the incredible (though short lived) warm weather.

This is my last story. Ready? Yesterday Dan said it was foggy in Duluth. I associate foggy landscapes with Jurassic Park. He then told me he was a pterodactyl, which we then called a ptero-dan-tyl. Well, if he got to be a dinosaur I wanted to be a dinosaur too, so I picked stegosaurus because of the cool spikes. Of course, I became steg-gail-saurus. God, we're horrible. I accidentally made this pterodantyl, too.


I knew he'd be mad. That's why I picked this mad face.

Happy Finals, everyone.
Try making a checklist if you have a lot to do.
I promise, it'll feel good.

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