Saturday, June 1, 2013


MY AWESOME AUNTS JILL AND WENDY GOT ME A TICKET TO SEE WICKED IN OCTOBER. It's gonna be pretty darn cool. It'll be especially cool because the whole gang is going, including me, Aunts Jill, Wendy, Holly, my mom, and my sensible cousin Megan. Girl party, girl party. I can't wait.

Alphaba and Glinda - Frandzz 4 Evr

Defy that gravity, grrrl!

Livin' the Emerald City Lyfe.


 (In all reality, though, I really would like a Norbert Leo Butz hug. Dan would be so jelly, Norbie is his favorite, too. If you care about awesome things, you might watch this video of him in Catch Me if You Can.)

 Jill, Wendy, and I went to Wicked together the last time is came through the cities a few years back. It was a great time then, too, and I am so excited to share it with more great family this time. WEEEE!!!!

Omg so cuuute

Thanks Wendy and Jill! 21 will be an awesome birthday! I won't even miss the annual pair of shoes : )

1 comment:

  1. You are Soooo Welcome sweet Abby! I cannot wait for that GIRLS night. I Love YOU !

    Auntie Wendy
