Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Seeya Winona

Home sweet Vadnais Heights Target.

Yes, that's right, I have already made a target run since arriving home. I also spent some nice time with my nice mommy, Jill and Dale. Home is great like that : )

I'd also like to let you know that I just saw I got a 99 on the final I took today. Is this real life? I was doing fairly well in that math class, though, and only needed a 64 to maintain my "A" ...So I suppose I am just showing off now. It was my first semester in the education program, and I think it went really well. A few classes were truly grueling, but look at me! I made it! I began the semester as a K-6 elementary major and ended it with an additional middle level reading minor tacked on the end. (Will I get out in 4 years, you ask? Probably not!)


In other news, I am facebook friends with my old 3rd grade teacher. She is the best lady. I can remember feeling inspired to be teaching like her when I grew up. She read this chapter book called The Million Dollar Shot and I think I died a little at the crazy twist ending. Coincidentally, she involved a ton of music in her classroom and I think that really worked for me : ) Today I saw that she posted this adorable idea, and I can't wait to use it someday!

Adorable, right?

Happy summer vacation, everyone.
(And if you're not on summer vacation yet, you can vicariously live through me. I'll be eating Cheetos while watching marathons of Chopped on the food network.)

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