Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Apologetic Book Snob

Do you remember this post when I mentioned that I picked up the audio book Carrie by Stephen King? If you missed it, you should be caught up now. Well, I listened to the whole thing. It was pretty neat and I was excited to come home and see the remake in theaters. WRENCH IN THE PLAN, the movie already came and went in Winona. I suppose that's okay because Rotten Tomatoes gave the remake a 46%. I did, however, find the original movie on netflix and watched that instead.


As anticipated, the ending in the book was way better.

See? I like being this horrible person who reads the book before seeing the movie.

Did you know that in the movie she just sets the school on fire, goes home, kills her mom in self-defense, and dies cradling her in the closet... while in the BOOK, she sets the school on fire, goes through town breaking all the fire hydrants with her mind, causes major gas pump leaks, sets the ENTIRE TOWN on fire, and then goes home to kill her mom on purpose? Yeah! Way scarier! In their fight, Carrie's mom stabs her in the shoulder, and after killing her mom by stopping her heart with her mind, she crawls into the street and dies there. Seriously. Everyone just dies except for like 3 people in the whole town.
2013 vs 1976

Rotten Tomatoes gave the original movie a 92%. It was pretty good. They just hadn't read the book ; )

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