Thursday, November 21, 2013

Theater Goer

I went home last weekend to see White Bear's musical Once Upon a Mattress. It was hilarious. Like seriously great. My pretend sister in law Maddy (Our boyfriends are brothers. Voila, pretend sisters in law?) was the cute lead and I want to be her when I grow up. I bought one ticket, planning to go all by myself... however, while at that show, I actually ran into approximately a million Ashland friends. Also, I ran into my high school director who hugged me and told me "good job" by accident after the show. Old habits die hard? I told her, "no, YOU good job, Suoja."

Karen Sullivan (soon to be pennywise in urinetown), me, and Maddy

Denise is my favorite. She also taught me how to pencil my eyebrows, so I guess we have a special connection.

Ashland friends at the WBL show. Though I only really know like 40% of these people, I probably hugged 90%.

Maddy is stunning. Amazing. Really Loud.

Later in the weekend, I went to Ashland to see the closing weekend of The Wizard of Oz. Cozy and I went for dinner before and dessert after. The whole night was so fun. Over all, though, I just can't get over that Ashland is doing Urinetown next. Rehearsals have already started. I think I might cry just a little bit because I love that show so much.

I took a selfie before going because I was kinda proud of my hair

Rob and Cozy

Peg, sneaky Maggie, me and Cozy!

Ps. Did you donate to Ashland on give to the max day? If you did, you are a wonderful person and I appreciate you a lot. I mean it. The site that hosts MN Give to the Max went down for almost 7 hours starting about noon on that day. It was kinda a big disaster and I think they might get into a lot of trouble for that because a lot of bigger nonprofits count on this day to make millions. Woah. Anyway, despite the really crappy situation, Ashland still received over $11,000 in donations. That's pretty cool. Thank you for giving if you were generous enough to support a place I love. Ashland and its administration say thanks.

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