Sunday, November 24, 2013

What Would I Say?

There's this funny little facebook app,, and it's sorta hilarious. You sign in with your facebook and it accesses all the statuses/comments/photo captions you've posted on facebook, it jumbles the words, and makes new sentences. Some of them come out really funny. Others are complete messes. But the funny ones are worth it. Here are some things it came up with that I would say...

Sounds like me

Do you know who the cahokians are? Ancient mississippian people!

A surprisingly accurate and depressing reflection of my life.

What is Belle from Beauty and the Beast doing here.

Accurate and less depressing reflection of my life!

I hate it when that happens

Must've been from Costco

Let your imagination take that one...

go play with It's a hoot and a half.

PS. Reading cat reward for those of you who made it this far.

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