Monday, November 18, 2013

Rose with Thorns

I have to tell you about something amazing I've been experiencing lately. A friend of mine, Anna Rose, writes a beautiful blog. We met through camp counseling at Ashland Productions and I could immediately see that she was the most caring soul through how she interacted with the young ones. Her blog is called Rose with Thorns and it is simply inspired. Anna Rose has the most sincerely kind, sweetest, most generous and selfless soul. I can't even explain to you what a gentle, beautiful being this young woman is. It is impossible to do anything but love and support her.

Lovely Anna Rose

I am continuously inspired by her quiet strength and unending sense of hope. She writes daily (daily? Yes, daily.) about many things. She talks about her day to day life while also focusing on coping and living with her personal challenges. Anna Rose is a brave and beautiful writer, her posts describe life as a woman living with aspergers, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Her posts also describe life as a woman living with friendship, unconditional love, happiness, hope for tomorrow, and daily growth. Repeating themes throughout the week include Recovery in the Media, One Thousand Thanks, and Coping Skills.

A screen shot from her blog. The categories in which she places her posts.

It is amazing to read her blog. Her words are enlightening, inspirational, and brilliant. I read her blog for enjoyment, but also to be educated. Will you give it a look? Again, it's called Rose with Thorns and you can get there by clicking here. I wish you could meet her in real life, she'd quietly wiggle into your heart and before you even knew she was there you would care about this human like she was your childhood best friend.

The first summer we met!
Bye Bye Birdie! The following winter

Our last summer counseling together. Jack in the middle : )

PS. Did I mention she throws murder mystery parties? Isn't that the coolest? I've never attended one because I'm always away at school (silly school) but I still think that is the coolest thing ever.

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