Monday, June 3, 2013


Yesterday was so beautiful that we decided to be Duluth tourists again. It was seriously incredible outside and I got accidental face sun burn. We planned on just going to the rose gardens and taking a little walk but then we kept going through Leif Erikson Park all the way down the lake walk and to Canal Park! Because of the huge script Dan learned for Vista, he know tons of little facts and historical stories about the landmarks we passed on our walk. Luckily I find all that stuff super interesting : ) We even ate mini donuts while waiting for the boats to come through the canal and Dan got pooped on by a gull! Can't beat a day of sunshine, tasty treats, a little learning and some gull poop on someone other than yourself!

Rose Gardens. No roses yet.

Canal Park - photo taken from the Marine Museum

Lift bridge is up - here come the boats!

Vista Star - Out house mate Jim was guiding the tour so we cheered him on

A humungous salty ship

Bye big boat!

PS. Last night we made bacon grilled cheese. If it were up to me, I'd make some for you tonight - because it was delicious.