Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Catch Up


Last week was super crazy! THIS one is crazy too! Last week was my first whole week of full time school-age teaching! Then Friday Dan and I came home on our second anniversary, Saturday we sang for White Bear Lake's fundraising alumni showcase/went to Kristen's grad party, and Sunday I hung out with my daddio and came back to Duluth. Now I am trucking through Australia week and I am the most tired person! : )

Let me tell you about last week. It was Mexico week and we had a great time. I started the week by making passports and coloring/cutting/gluing Mexico passport stamps. We colored maps, painted Day of the Dead skulls, made armadillos and more awesome stuff. For the most part it was nice! The kids are still pretty darn difficult to contain most of the time. They are all individually spectacular but can really bring out the disruptive/distracted/jealous/loud sides of each other. Except for this one girl named Ella. She is the biggest sweetheart. Lauren too.


All the girls

I like low attendance!

ALSO, this week we went to the park!

School-age and Preschool!

King of monkey bars and/or arguing about pokemon

Drama queens and proud of it!

The teeniest first grader

Friday was the cutest little 2nd anniversary of Dan's and my first kiss. Oh shucks. I got us tickets to see Urinetown at the Jungle Theater in Minneapolis and he took us to dinner before. Dinner was scary! I told him I was willing to try something a little more adventurous for food and he totally went all out. WE WENT TO A JAPANESE RESTAURANT. It was this super hip place, our waitress was great and understanding of our trek into unfamiliar territory and we had a great time! We both agreed that the food was a little too weird for our liking, but also that the experience was totally worth it. And then Urinetown was SPECTACULAR. Bobby and Hope were fairly boring but Lockstock and Pennywise were so dang spectacular that we didn't even care. It was such a nice night. In case you forgot, we were both in WBL's production of Urinetown together a little over 3 years ago and that is how we first became good friends. I played Hope and he was Lockstock. He was so good. We both won Hennepin Theater Spotlight Awards for being "outstanding in a leading role" and then got to perform on the Orpheum stage together. It was neat. (I also just realized that the first spotlight award was on June 14th 2010 and that is exactly one year prior to our first kiss - I'll just call it our nega-versary.) So yes, anyway, seeing Urinetown was way sickeningly sweet and such an awesome thing to do. Also, he is cute so I am happy.

Intermission photo. Urinetown, November 2009.

Post Orpheum performance. Nega-versary - June 14th 2010

Summer 2011

June 14th 2012

June 14 2013

SATURDAY WE SANG IN THE WHITE BEAR ALUM SHOW. We didn't feel too great about the performance but based on audience members and generally pretty honest family members (love you mommy) it seemed to have gone pretty well! I will tell you more when I get my hands on some pictures - hopefully soon!

Father's day was lovely. I spent time with my bro and dad at the Kelliher's. Grandma, Grandpa, Steve, Joe, Jeff, and Dennis were there too. A whole family affair : ) I also wore a new dress, so the whole day was pretty great.

disappearing into the green screen

Dad opening his present while wearing g-ma's sun hat


PS. There was a rainbow when we left for Duluth Sunday evening.

PPS. I will do my best to not be so horrible at blogging anymore. Sorry for the lonely week and a half.

1 comment:

  1. Now I feel better knowing what is happening. I love you!!!
