Friday, June 7, 2013


Today I worked my first full day. FINALLY. At the end of my third week here I finally work a full 8.5 hour day. I closed on my own, which went fine. I can totally vaccuum and flush toilets no problem. The only bummer was that the last preschooler was alone for a full half hour after all the others left and before mom picked up - and once mom finally arrived, I noticed that the preschooler had definitely peed in her pants and not told me. Whoops. Pretty professional, letting a kid get picked up in her pee soaked pants. Dangit.

My school age kids are going to be a lot of work. The boys like to rough-house and the girls like to make bffs and exclude others. It is also definitely a different experience that my group doesn't take naps. On top of my exhastion, I have to remind myself that I only had 7 today! WHEW. Live and learn? Spending more time with them as the summer goes on will help a lot as I learn to deal with each kid's quirks. So far I just think they like to break as many rules as possible without getting caught. 

Despite behavior worries, I am really excited for the summer. Each week we are going to study a different country around the globe. Today my project was making passports so that they are ready to travel next week. Each week we will get stamps in our passports, make a map of the country, and then do other little projects to learn about the country's culture. Next week is Mexico week and I have some pretty neat plans. At least I think so.

Overall, I am still really happy about this job. I really like the ladies I work with. They are super flexible, supportive and friendly! Having friends there makes everything just that much better.

Hey! Did I tell you that my car doesn't work? Well, my car doesn't work! I got in it yesterday to head to work at 11 and when I turned the key absolutely nothing happened. I didn't know what to do so, naturally, I called my parents. Doesn't matter if they live 2.5 hours away, it's still the first instinct. Neither answered though so I maybe just cried for like 5 minutes instead. I was the last one out of the house that day since my shift was so late and so I couldn't even beg any of the guys for a quick ride! I texted Dan even though he was at work and luckily he was on a small break between a training class and his actual shift. He was able to come pick me up, we dropped him back off at work, and I took his car to my center. I took it again today and he caught a ride with a housemate/coworker. The preschool teacher at work told me about a garage that she really likes, and hopefully I can get my car there tomorrow. She also said if anything like this ever happens again she and the director are both super willing to come pick me up. What nice people. (Even though they laughed at my stranded-not-knowing-ANYONE-in-town situation)

Thank goodness for weekend.

I need to go make brownies.

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