Saturday, July 6, 2013

Enger Tower and other lovely things

Tourist time, once again : )

Enger Tower

View from top

Looking at the canal from the top

Asian family photo time. Straight down from the top

There were neat floors on each level

Hi, I'm a tourist

I was jelly of Nori's daydreaming rock, so I explored to find my own.

Giant Canada ship coming through the canal WHENEVER THE HECK HE FEELS LIKE IT. (The bridge lifts on the hour and half hour, but this big guy decided it was quarter after and he had stuff to do.)

We decided to peruse canal park before calling it a day

William A. Irvin. I've always wanted to tour this but never quite cared enough to pay. We settle for looking from the outside.

End the day with ice cream

My July 5th vacation was a spectacular day.


  1. Lovely photos! I am happy to see that Dan, once again, has 2 gray canvas shoes...

    Love you!

  2. I definitely laughed out loud at that.
