Sunday, July 7, 2013

Smile for Auntie

Today I was thinking about my aunt Jill and how cool she is. Sometimes I feel like she is the only one who reads my blog, but in the rare case that someone else reads it also, I believe he or she should see how fun she is.

I crept pretty hard and found a lot of pictures that I really love. I meant to choose three, maybe four to share but I simply couldn't keep it so low. There are more for another day perhaps.


Jill's wedding. I was her 10 year old maid of honor because we were even bffs back then.

She never missed any of my shows. Even the ones that sucked. A lot. Like 12 Angry Jurors.

Post Sound of Music

I was (alphabetically) 8th out of 650 graduating students, and she STILL sat through the whole ceremony!

Still lovin' the state fair.

I just... I can't even...

Did I mention we're state fair goers?

She gave me this outfit. Majority of my clothes were hers, actually.

Over all, I just think every-day heroes deserve some lovin'. 

My aunt Jill's positivity, humor, and unconditional love are pretty darn heroic if you ask me.

I love you! I can't wait to see you sooooon : )


  1. That post is the sweetest thing ever!

  2. ABSOLUTELY THE SWEETEST POST EVER! Are you sure you are talkin about me????!!!!
    I love you made me feel...GOOD!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh yeah....I LOVE THE TITLE ON THIS POST!!!!!!
