Thursday, July 18, 2013


Hi! Today I went on Dan's Vista tour. The tour was super awesome, my kids were almost well behaved, and no one drowned! What a GREAT field trip.

It was extremely foggy today. We barely saw anything from a distance on our sightseeing cruise, haha. It was a 2 hour tour and luckily by the end a lot of the fog had burned off. Kinda. Dan does a really good job of engaging the audience despite sometimes dry material and today's limited vision. The adults I was with were quite impressed with his tour and I thought it was so neat to see how the other tourists on the boat enjoyed and interacted with him. He doesn't especially love children, but he was awesome with our group today. He even told my kiddos that Miss Abby is always right. (My coworkers said I should keep him around.)

Photo highlights:

Look! They're almost listening to him!

Totally listening.

With the majestic flag


I am totally exhausted. We had a good time but it was so much work to keep track of a few feisty little ones. I barely got to pay attention to my older kids because I was doing so much child wrangling. We spent most of our time on the first level which had tables and chairs, but I did get to take my group up to the open and breezy top deck for a little while at the end. It was fun but stressful. I tried to remind them that they shouldn't be bugging Dan unless they had an intelligent and thoughtful question ready. Unfortunately, my second grade boys don't really have intelligent and thoughtful radars. They settled for giggling loudly and disruptively at Dan saying "stock pile" because they thought he said "snot pile." 

...ya do your best.


  1. Also, you just described every time I take my kids anyway.

  2. Uniforms are always guaranteed to be the spiffiest outfits you own.
