Monday, July 15, 2013

Work and Weekend

 We go on fun field trips and I am so grateful! Last week on Tuesday we went to the library for a free show. We saw a funny man do lots of circus tricks including wild juggling, riding a unicycle, balancing huge things on his head, fire swallowing, and more!

Rainy walk to the bus stop.

Thursday we went to Lester Park and it was way cool. Also it was beautiful outside, which helps 1000%.

All the kids colored their own backpacks. This kid cracks me up. (Monster breathing fire on small screaming human)

Follow the leader

Look at the little boy in the teacher's lap. He loved the field trip, obviously.

I took Friday off to go home early! I hung out with my nice mommy and aunt Jill. SPECTACULAR.

Then I went to the W.O. cabin weekend with the Andersons. It was rather dreary and rainy out. I didn't spend any time outside at all except for an hour by a fire where I was absolutely eaten alive by those sneaky mosquitos. It was worth it.

Bizarre antique shop in Emily MN

Raisins in the antique shop


Cousin Joe on fire duty

Lake Butterfield

Taking this picture was as close as I got to the water all weekend

Dad and his alien pocket

Most joyful baby on the planet. Also, Michael.

Photo contest winner wall

Michael after I took this picture: "I think I blinked"

More Michael and Jasper because cute.

Blog Forecast :

Thursday - sunny with a chance of field tripping to Dan's Vista Fleet boat!!! I AM SO EXCITED. I hope my kids are good for him, haha.

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