Thursday, July 25, 2013


More more more field trips.

Today we went to Leif Ericson park to play and picnic, and then on our walk home we stopped and got ice cream. It was all quite fun and tiring. Somehow, though, the kids did not get tired. WHAT? Tomorrow the owner of our center and the lead preschool teacher are off for a long weekend. Hopefully attendance will be low : ) The two other ladies I'm going to be with are a lot of fun, so regardless it will be a nice Friday.

I am excited to hit the road at the end of the day, though! I am going HOME again for the Hengel family reunion and also my nice mommy's birthday! It will be a good weekend. Also, it is the tall ships festival here in Duluth so it is a really great time to get the heck out of town. There are a gazillion people here to see these giant, old pirate ships come through. If you pay $100 you can go inside one. Ha, no way. (Poor Dan is so good at his touristy job that they scheduled him over 60 hours this week! YUCK.)

Here, enjoy some photos of today...

some rad duck duck goosin' going on.

Ice cream face

Bonus story.
I'm reasonably good at photoshopping things, so when we jokingly made the nickname "gazella" for the slowest, clumsiest, cutest little preschooler named Zella, I might have put a gazelle head on her. I might have done that. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Photoshop my head on a model's body. No wait, keep the model's head too!
