Saturday, December 28, 2013


Here's a Christmas catch-up:

Dec 24. Anderson's celebration and Dad got me kick-butt winter boots.
Dec 25. Hengel celebration and Mom got me bags on bags on bags. (Backpack, purse, luggage, duffel.)

Dec 26. Phantom of the Opera and dinner at Crave. 
Dec 27. Snow tubing tradition with good friends.

Snow tubing sunset.
 It's really been a great week for me. And when I say great week I kinda mean not really a very good week for me at all. I had wonderful times, but it's truly a bad luck week for me. On Christmas eve I lost my phone. On Christmas night my car didn't start. The following day we got an expensive tow and repair. I left my student ID at home when Dan and I went to student rush Phantom. I left my hat and scarf at the restaurant before we went snow tubing. WHERE HAS MY BRAIN GONE? It's like school and classes run my entire life and the moment they're gone (and I'm no longer relying on my planner to remind me of literally everything) I could lose my head if it wasn't attached to my body.

Ugh. Maybe I'm programmed to function only while in school. I guess it's a good thing I'll be spending the rest of my working life in education settings. It might be the only place I think straight.

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