Sunday, December 8, 2013

Age of Aquarius

Did you know that my hair is getting WAY TOO LONG? It is. When it's straight I am one middle part away from looking like a (possibly smelly) hippie. On the bright side, I've discovered this neat no heat curl strategy that has revolutionized my entire hair-related existence. I really like it because I can be lazy and in the morning when I leave it fools people into thinking I actually tried. Lately, if I don't do this, I don't do anything. Like, I leave for school with my hair down (so that I can wear a hat for the walk) and once I am in class my hair is in a bun on the top of my head. And not in a cute way. I don't even consult a mirror, people.

Anyway, no heat curls.

With slightly damp hair and a little mouse in it, I put a stretchy headband around my head - over the hair and forehead hippie style (ironically) - and piece by piece tuck my hair around the band until it's all rolled up, and then I SLEEP ON IT. And when I wake up and take it out, it is magically curly. Woo! Now I'll finally look like I belong in my family of curly headed women!

Here are some shameless selfies for proof!

I need a hair cut
Awkward roll up

Before bed

VOILA. Next morning.

Later that day, they settled down a lot and looked really nice!
Another try


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