Tuesday, December 17, 2013


WINTER BREAK IS THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR. Christmas or no Christmas, I'm out of classes and that's cool. I've been home since last Wednesday night and I've done almost nothing. I can't decide if it's boring or great. Okay, it is pretty boring... but I'm still not in classes so it's also great.

Actually, I did do one thing. Ashland's theater held a different art company's children's dance recital. They needed a kid wrangler to monitor backstage and since I was home I went to help out. They gave me $15 after an hour of work and I left. It was adorable. Baby tutus. I died.

Cutest Ever

I offered to work it because I know the dance instructor. Her child was Gretl when I was Liesl in The Sound of Music a few years ago. The woman is really nice and a spectacular dancer. Hilariously, she is also a kick ass MN Roller Derby girl. She also went to WSU just like me! I guess other than her being amazing, modeling for bridal magazines, being a good dancer and a bad ass roller derby girl, you could say we have a lot in common. (also, her kids are named Lucy and Eddie, which I believe are the most adorable names, especially in combination, that I've ever heard. I wouldn't mind naming my kids her kids' names. Don't tell her though because that's weird. I probably won't name my kids those names anyway because my worst nightmare would be that Eddie would grow up to be called "Ed" and that name is disgusting.)

Ps, this is her profile picture. Are you kidding me? I guess I should work out more. Or at least leave the couch more. Or stop eating so many cheetos all the time...

Mother of 2, WSU alumni, roller derby/dance teacher. Is this real life?

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