Monday, December 23, 2013


I am bad at blogging. I know you knew that already. But seriously though, I can't even blog because it's Christmas break and I have no thoughts. I actually have zero interesting things to share and I'm sorry.

On a slightly related note, this little guy displays my new mantra:


Actually, tonight Dan and I kinda might have had too much to drink while playing yahtzee with his mom. Well, Dan didn't drink too much but his mom and I did. Doesn't get much lamer than that. Is that sort of a party? No, Bohemian Rhapsody or no Bohemian Rhapsody, that was not even sort of a party. On the bright side, I tasted a white Russian for the first time and was pleasantly surprised.

(Assuming the only people who read this are mom, Jill, and Megan... See you all on Christmas.)

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