Sunday, August 25, 2013

Real Summer Vacation


My one week of actual work-free summer vacation proved to be quite wonderful. I spent some time with family and friends and even got to relax outside in the sun. The highlight of the week, however, was of course the State Fair. I am a big fan of the fair. You knew that.

On Thursday, I went to the fair with Dan and we met his older brother Joe there. We ate everything, including fries, fried pickles, cream puff, bull bites, 1919 root beer float, and cookies. Then we had to rush home so that he could leave for Duluth in time for his Thursday night show. It was a sad goodbye because Winona and Duluth are kinda stupidly far away from each other.

The following day I went to the fair again, and more joy was brought into my life. Mom and I went and met Kay there. We also saw Jill and all her crazy friends. We ate a foot long hot dog, pronto pups, pickle dogs, more fries, more cookies, and endless milk at the milk barn.

Friday night I met my friend Adrian for coffee and catching up before I left for school. He's a super cool guy and I'm so excited for him because he's going back to school this semester. It's been ten years since he first gave it a try and didn't do so well. But he is newly motivated and ready to go now. What an inspiration!

Saturday morning I caught coffee with another friend, Cozy. Cozy is so cool, I want to be her when I grow up. Meeting with her was an awesome way to end the summer.

The drive to Winona yesterday was sleepy. Moving was sweaty. And the night was full of trains rumbling our room. Can you gauge my level of excitement regarding being back here for school? It's low.

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