Monday, August 5, 2013

Northern Adventures

Last weekend I met a few friends outside Deer River, MN for a weekend of camping! It was a blast. Dan and I met our friend Antonio at the Northern Acres campsite on Bowstring Lake on Friday evening. We set up camp, checked the place out, and had a little bonfire. I seriously love fires. Saturday morning I got up at 7:30 to go sit on the dock. Antonio fished and chatted with Dan while I read my book. Already the vacation was extra perfect. By noon on Saturday, my good friend Cozy and her boyfriend Tim arrived. The five of us had a super awesome weekend and we are pretty darn sure we'll be doing this every summer from now on.

Antonio caught the first and last fishies this weekend. (I caught none.)

Cozy is short for Cosette. She is also short.

The whole awesome gang


My first time fishing!

Ice cream in Deer River

Antonio made us dinner on Saturday night. He made burgers, chicken, potatoes, peppers, zucchini and squash on the grill and I almost died because everything was so delicious.


...and Cozy freed it. Because she's brave.

What a blast : )

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good time! Antonio can cook for me I'm hungry...

    Love you!
