Friday, August 16, 2013

Last Day

I had an awesome last day today at work. We ate ice cream, cleaned up our favorite park, finished a goosebumps book, and ordered pizza for lunch! I had a half day so I left during rest time and all my kids gathered around to hug me and tell me they were going to steal my keys so I couldn't leave. There was a lot of mock sobbing which was both heartwarming and irritating as all heck. The day wouldn't be complete without a heartwarming/irritating experience, though. I also mopped the bathroom because someone peed on the floor... Yep, it was the perfect day.

As I was leaving, the preschool teacher gave me a sheet of paper that listed what each kid said he/she liked about Miss Abby. The list included the folowing:
-Doing projects and learning about new things!
-Playing and learning new games!
-When she reads books to us it was really fun!
-I liked that she let us read books as rest time and quiet activities.
and more

The other teachers also wrote their favorite things. They say they admire how I interact with the kids and that I will be an awesome teacher. MORE WARM FUZZIES. I have nice friends.


Cleaning our park

Semi-successful photo

Tonight I think I will relax and maybe pack up a little while Dan does his show, The Comedy of Errors. Tomorrow night I will go to the show and then catch him at improv afterward. DOUBLE SHOW NIGHT. I can't believe my summer is coming to an end already. I feel like it simultaneously crawled and flew by, even though that doesn't make sense. Sunday I will go home for some R and R before moving back to Winona. Classes start on the 26th! Gahhh.

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