Thursday, August 15, 2013

Parks and Cookies

My coworkers are the coolest.

Today was my last full day at Endion. When I arrived in the morning, the center director gave me a card with a little gift and gift card, and then showed me this massive cookie cake she got to celebrate a summer with me and another lady who is heading back to school shortly. We went to the aquarium with all the kiddos and basically just had a grand old time.

I'm sad to say goodbye to such an awesome job and work atmosphere.

(I'm not actually that fat. It's a bad shirt. Also, don't look at the cookie in the next photo...)

Karen is realy awesome. And also super weird. I like it.

"Sorry to see you go!"

Tomorrow we are having an ice cream party catered by Bridgeman's to celebrate my last day. I am so excited! I am also taking my older kids to our favorite park because some hooligans wrote really bad words in permanent marker all over it recently - and that sucks a lot. We noticed it on Wednesday. There are horrible insults about someone named Sammy. Sammy was quite hated by our permanent marker artist. One of my girls asked, "Who's Sammy?" and another one replied, "Like Sammy's Pizza, Sammy?" And we came to the conclusion that Domino's did all the writing. DANGIT Domino's, YOU are why we can't have nice things.

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