Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Engineering and Design

I'm in a science methods class that is quite literally all fun and games. The professor is all about leading us through example lessons as if we are in grade school, and then following the lesson up with great ways to assess the learning, expand the lesson, and modify for other levels.

This week, we were focusing on engineering and design standards. The professor provided unlimited drinking straws, 3 meters of tape, and one Winona daily newspaper to each group with the challenge of creating the tallest newspaper tower. First, we had to brainstorm the possible problems and limitations we would face. We discussed balance, strength of materials, the limited amount of materials we were allowed to use... etc. With my small group, I jokingly said, "well, we're going to be limited by the ceiling. Obviously. Because our tower is going to be so tall." BUT IT TURNS OUT, we are better scientists than we thought! OUR NEWSPAPER TOWER WAS SO TALL. And yes, the flag on top for extra height and majestic power was my idea. Thank you.

The strongest base ever created

Almost to the ceiling + majestic flag
Practically the Eiffel Tower
In all its extra large glory

Yes, I am paying for this education.

PS - Second grade funny of the day...
Teacher asks a comprehension question based on the story we just read. A usually rather unfocused student raises their hand and produces a surprisingly well articulated response...
Teacher: "Great answer, I love that!"
Student: "Yeah, my meds are really setting in, I'm having a great day!!"

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