Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Odd Compliments

Have you ever heard of the website Daily Odd Compliment? It's definitely one of my favorites. Here are a few that I think are pretty great...

Ps. Just as a quick life update:
I'm taking a grammar class right now and it's actually getting difficult. Now I am the kind-of-confused grammar cat. How important is it to identify noun clauses, adverb clauses, and adjective clauses? Really, though. Not so important.

I want to take a nap with book pillows, too. Okay maybe real pillows. The nap was the important part.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happiness Emporium

Yesterday was the Land 'o Lakes barbershop district competition in LaCrosse Wisconsin. Dad invited me to come for the day and I'm so glad I went!

We watched Great Northern Union perform and they were remarkable, as usual. They won district and that was fun to see. Then we watched the quartet finals where 8 quartets sang and my favorite group won. They were a young quartet of 20 somethings and they called themselves "Kordal Kombat" which I believe was highly under appreciated by the (older) crowd. I heard yesterday was their first time going to contest, so that's pretty cool.

Then Michael joined us and we caught dinner before the ADC show. (which stands for Asomething District Champs, I think. probably Association. A always stands for association.) The show was very cool because it was all focused on Happiness Emporium and their retirement announcement. The crowd was nuts about them and they received multiple standing ovations. My favorite part was when they finished their set and everyone started chanting for an "Encore!" because they came back on stage and Bob went right to the microphone and said, "Don't you people have HOMES?"

After the ADC show, there was a big party to celebrate Happiness Emporium and all the good they've brought to the barbershop community. They had cake, which was obviously my favorite part. What a neat weekend.

Rubber Duckie. Michael's Childhood.

After their set, some important men came out, gave a little speech about how awesome Happiness Emporium is, and gave them cool little plaques shaped like smiley faces that thanked them for being super neat.


I like cake.

I really do

I told dad this one looks like it says thanks for the daughter.

Happiness international scrap book, 1975 costume, and photo display

Good looking people

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Reading Maniac

Does it make me the lamest 21 year old human being that my dream is to be in a book club when I grow up? I'll answer that for you. Yes.

Great news! My classes aren't nearly as horrible this semester as they were last semester. This means I've had time to read lately! It's wonderful. I've even had some pretty good luck recently including Heart Shaped Box, Waiting for White Horses, and The Reader (Thanks, Oprah). However, I just finished the most mediocre book ever. It was called Solomon's Oak which featured a farm widow who fosters a troubled teen. They both learn a lot from each other, yadda yadda yadda. I personally think mediocre books lend themselves to a far worse experience than a bad book because I can't quit halfway through, and then I feel obligated to read all the way to its very mediocre end. Anyway, now I'm reading a Jodi Picoult called Plain Truth about an amish girl who secretly has a baby out of wedlock. GASP. And, yesterday I rented Stephen King's Carrie as an audio recording so that in two weekends when I drive forever to Duluth, I can listen to a story instead of be bored the whole ride! Also, I never saw the old movie and since the remake is out now, I figure it's about time I learn what all this pig's blood hoopla is about. (Did you know there's a Broadway musical Carrie, also? I've never listened to it.)

Now I think I'm going to try to read a whole bunch of books that are soon to be movies so I can be the annoying person who leaves the theater upset and saying, "The book ending was so much better..."

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Online make over websites...

I'm leaning toward the afro or pink bangs for my next drastic hair decision.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Genetic Advantage

My weekend included a last minute trip to Rochester for a barbershop show.
Look whose quartet headlined!

Left to right - Jim Olson (Tenor), Uncle Jeff (Lead), Uncle Steve (Bass), Daddio (Bari)

What a nice potted plant

Crazy eyes

And for your listening pleasure...

Friday, October 11, 2013