Thursday, February 6, 2014

Photoshop Addiction

I have a bad habit of poorly "photo shopping" pictures into really silly new pictures. I have begun to bother some friends of mine, Justin and Marissa, with this bad habit.

Let me explain a few.
They often have themed dress nights and go eat tacos. This night was "CATS" night...

Someone recently said "Marissa, Simba should have made it to CATS night at tacos!"
I said to myself... "no problem."

Then I found their skydiving pictures. I thought it would have been nice if they had invited Simba along...

Now they are painting the upstairs of Junstin's house and Marissa posted this photo with the caption: "I swear this isn't photoshopped."

To which I commented, "...not yet."

And now, unrelated to Simba, Justin is Bobby Strong in Ashland's production of Urinetown. We had all previously decided his spirit animal was a grizzly bear... so this photo had to happen, too...

I can't help it. I have a problem. 
Worst part? I don't even have photo shop. I do these on Miscrosoft Word!